
This are little bits I frequently use and sometimes forgive.

Enable Spotlight on encfs volumes

If you’re using encfs or fuse volumes on OSX, depending on how you mount the volume, Spotlight might have problems to index on it.

Use the options -oallow_other and -olocal so that spotlight correctly indexes the mounts in Max OSX Lion and Mountain Lion.

encfs ~/encrypted_dir ~/mount_point_dir -oallow_other -olocal

Search in gmail:

This is how I sometimes search at gmail with multiple variables, assuming you use labels/folders at gmail.

This will search in current folder with before and after specific date, concrete email sender and subject containing the word Alert.

before:2012/10/22 after:2012/09/30 from:[email protected] subject:ALERT

Ok, lets do it a bit more powerful, include search at anywhere in your gmail account, this means any folder. anywhere can be substituted by any of your mail folders.

in:anywhere before:2012/10/01 after:2012/11/01 from:[email protected] subject:ALERT

And now we want the ones that are unread.

in:anywhere before:2012/10/01 after:2012/11/01 from:[email protected] subject:ALERT label:unread

Find all unread mails that are not starred.

label:unread NOT label:starred


Change the default iCloud save preference from Textedit in OSX

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSDocumentSaveNewDocumentsToCloud -bool false

Locate database in OSX

Been a NIX user you might sometimes use *locate when you want to find files in a system. OSX has also this option but has to be enabled.

locate Curls

WARNING: The locate database (/var/db/locate.database) does not exist.

To create the database used by locate, run the following command:

sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

This will take a while until database is created.

Adding network routes in OSX

route version in OSX is a bit old, and does not work same as LINUX. Adding a new route in your Mac is as follows:

route -n add -net  This adds network access to network through gateway with netmask.

Now we just want to route to a certain IP address.

route add -host

This IP is not accessible through the default network gateway, so we add this route over another gateway to access it.

Show Hiden Files in Finder

In the Terminal type:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE/FALSE 

depending if you want to enable or disable. After that, remember to reload Finder

killall Finder

From the Terminal, type

ps aux | grep username 

In the results, look for the process called loginwindow associated with the affected username.

Note the process ID (the first column of the output) of loginwindow – for purposes of this example, assume it was 1234. To kill the logged-in user, just type:

 % sudo kill -9 1234 The user will immediately disappear from the list of logged-in users. It's not elegant, but it works.